MCVFA History
At a meeting held at the Rochester Exempts (old RFD Engine 11 House on Fitzhugh St.) on February 22, 1931 the Monroe County Volunteer Firemen’s Association was formed. On June 19, 1934, the Association officially became an incorporation, recognized by the State of New York.
Throughout the years the MCVFA has played a pivotal role in helping to develop legislation and training. During WWII, MCVFA was an active member of the New York State War Council, to assist with Civil Defense duties. On August 1, 1941, MCVFA worked along side city, county, and district fire officials to develop the Rochester and Monroe County Mutual Aid Plan. This was the first mutual plan in New York State. Again, in 1944, this group met again at the Rochester Fire College at Edgerton Park and developed the post war plan which covered mutual aid and training.
Before the New York State Volunteer Firefighter’s Benefit Law was passed, injured volunteer firefighters needed to apply for benefits and challenge decisions by the Workers Compensation Board without any assistance. In many cases the injured member had to seek a court decision to overturn the Compensation Boards decision. This is how the MCVFA Legal Defense fund was created. Members would apply to the MCVFA for legal funding assistance to cover court or legal fees. Fire departments would give a yearly stipend to keep the fund financed. Once VFBL was signed into law, the Defense Fund ended. MCVFA Past President Joseph Kuhn, was instrumental in the creation of the VFBL legislation that was passed for all fire fighters in New York.
Over the years, MCVFA sponsored many activities for its members and the public. In 1934 MCVFA held its first annual Carnival and Field Days at Island Cottage. These carnivals and parades lasted until the end of the 1950’s. In 1959, MCVFA sponsored a 3-day rodeo at the War Memorial. But as time went on, there was a lack of interest and the expenses were too much for the Association to absorb. All these events were essentially fundraisers. So, after the carnival days ended, most of the money raised was through publications of yearbooks. In 2022, MCVFA held it’s first annual water-ball tournament. We are hoping this will become an annual event.
One of the working committees within MCVFA is the legislative committee. Some of the legislative bills the Association have helped sponsor were the LOSAP program and the NYS Property Tax credits. To this day were are still working with our legislators on bills affecting the volunteer fire service.
Since 1964, we have sponsored the Annual Fire Prevention Essay Contest for our local schools. Each year we set an essay theme, judge the entries and award cash prizes to the students.
Currently we are in the process of developing training courses for the Civil Officers of our member organization.
With declining interior and exterior volunteer firefighters in Monroe County, our membership is down. If you are interested in being a member (this invite goes out to all the Exempts and non-active fire department members) please come to a meeting and meet some old friend and make some new ones.