Lottery Scratch off Flyer 2023 (Downloadable version)
Monroe County Volunteer Firemen’s Association
Lottery Scratch-Off Fundraiser
$10.00/ticket donation
3 chances per ticket
1st Prize: $300 pack of $10 Lottery Scratch-offs 2nd & 3rd Prize: $100 pack of $10 Lottery Scratch-offs
Drawing on October 25, 2023
*** Only 200 tickets being sold***
Checks payable to “MCVFA”
Mail check(s) and order form below to:
Attention: MCVFA Secretary, Diana Pfersick Monroe County Volunteer Firemen’s Association PO Box 22786
Rochester, NY 14692-2786
I would like ____ scratch-offs at $10 each Contact information (Please Print):
Name: _____________________________________ Address: _____________________________________
Phone #: _____________________________________
Monroe County Volunteer Firefighter's Association
P.O. Box 22786
Rochester, New York 14692